7 Yoga Asanas for Thyroid Disorders
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7 Yoga Asanas for Thyroid Disorders

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism are two types of thyroid disorders. Both of these affect life negatively. Your doctor will recommend you take proper medications and follow a healthy lifestyle. Yoga for thyroid aims for balancing your energy, hormonal levels, flexibility, and relieving stress. Yoga has positive effects on both underactive and overactive thyroid. They come under one of the most natural remedies and keep our glands healthy. It saves us from severe thyroid complications like goitre, heart diseases, mental health issues, etc. Following these asanas and ensuring the right posture can help tackle thyroid issues effectively.

01/07 Plough Pose or Halasan

yoga for thyroid

Step 1: Lie down on your back with your arms resting by your side. Step 2: Breathe in and lift your legs up to 90 degrees by engaging your abdominal muscles. Step 3: Press your shoulder into the ground and then support your back. Use your hands to lift your hips off the floor. Step 4: Push your toes behind your head until they touch the floor, in such a way that your back should be perpendicular to the ground. Step 5: Hold the position for a few 4-5 breaths, then come back to the starting position

02/07 Boat pose or Navasana

Exercise for thyroid in delhi

Step 1: Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched in front of you and arms by your side. Step 2: Slowly lean your upper body slightly towards the back. Keep your spine straight and tuck your chin towards your chest. Step 3: Bend your knees and balance your body weight on your sitting bones. Gently lift both your legs into the air. Your toes should be 1 foot above the ground and your body in 'V' shape. Step 4: Stretch your arms in front of you. They should be parallel to the floor with your palms facing each other. Step 5: Engage your core muscles as you breathe in and out.

03/07 Legs-Up-the-Wall or Viparita Karani

Natural treatment for thyroid

Step 1: Lie down on your back next to a wall. Step 2: Fold your legs to your chest and roll towards the wall. Rest your legs on the wall, and your head and body on the ground. Step 3: Try to form a 90-degrees angle and ensure that your shoulders and hips are in line. Step 4: Relax and practice deep breathing. After 10 minutes, fold your legs to your chest and roll to the side.

04/07 Matsyasana

it is also known as the fish pose. The arch of the back increases blood flow in the thyroid gland that stimulates the neck and thyroid gland to relieve any tension present. It also improves postures & relieves stress.

Home remedies for Thyroid

  • Sit on the yoga mat and extend your legs in front.

  • Place your hands under your buttocks.

  • Your palms should be facing down and fingers towards the toes.

  • Make a 90-degree angle between your arm and chest.

  • Slowly lift your chest and press into your arms. Make sure to stay lifted.

  • Release the position slowly and gradually.

05/07 Bhujangasana

It is also known as the cobra pose. It is a part of Surya Namaskar. It relieves the throat area by stretching it and increasing thyroid function that helps in hypothyroidism. This asana benefits people suffering from frequent back pains. Avoid doing this asana if you have a hernia, ulcer, or have gone through abdominal surgery.

Thyroid care at home

  • Lie flat on the abdomen with hands beside the last rib cage, palms facing downwards.

  • Press onto your palms and lift the upper portion of your body with an inhalation. It should include the head, chest, and shoulders (Till the navel region).

  • Inhale while doing so.

  • There is no need to straighten your arms. Keeping a slight bend in the elbows is recommended.

  • Keep the breathing normal and hold the posture for 30 secs.

  • Release the pose slowly and bring your body down.

06/07 Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana

Reverse thyroid naturally

Step 1: Lie down on your back on the yoga mat with your arms resting by your side. Step 2: Press your arms and shoulder firmly into the floor for support. Breathe in and slowly lift your legs up to a 90 degrees angle. Step 3: Breathe out and lift your hips off the ground. Press your hands into your lower back to support the hips. Step 4: Hold the body and legs in a straight line from the shoulders. Do not support your body weight on your neck or head. Step 5: Breathe in and out for 4-5 seconds and then slowly come back to the starting position.

07/07 Setu bandhasana

it is also known as the bridge pose. It regulates your thyroid hormones by indirectly benefiting people with hyperthyroidism. It tends to increase the flow of blood in the brain and soothes it by improving blood circulation.

Thyroid treatment in delhi

  • Lie down flat parallel to the ground.

  • Try bending your legs at the knees.

  • Touch your heels with your hands and lift the buttocks and upper portion of your body.

  • To maintain the position, interlace your fingers and lift the buttocks higher.

  • Do not exert pressure on your chin, neck, or shoulders.

  • Try remaining in this position for 30 sec with normal breathing.

FAQ on Hypothyroidism

Q. Will yoga cure thyroid problems?

A. No, yoga cannot treat hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. It is a holistic approach to health that can relieve your symptoms and prevent you from further complications & reduce medication gradually. Proper medication and therapies with healthier lifestyles can bring a massive change.

Q. What causes hypothyroidism?

A. Hypothyroidism results due to insufficient secretion of hormone from thyroid glands. It decreases the metabolism of the body and leads to weight gain. It can be due to various factors like an autoimmune disorder, side effects of medications, treatment of hyperthyroidism, and radiation therapy. It is common in women older than 40 or someone who has a family health history of thyroid disorders.

Q. How can one prevent thyroid disorders?

A. Shifting from a sedentary and stressful lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle is priority number one. One can prevent thyroid by following some basic rules:

  • Avoid smoking. Smoke induces several toxins in a person’s system that harm your thyroid gland. It increases thyroxine levels and reduces the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

  • A thyroid neck check is a simple physical examination of your neck to detect the presence of any lumps and bumps close to the surface

  • Keep yourself physically active. Exercising will not only prevent you from thyroid but other life-threatening diseases too

  • Visit your doctor if you witness any noticeable changes in your health

Q. Are there any side effects of yoga for thyroid?

A. Yoga usually does not come with any side effects. It is the most natural way of alleviating disease-causing factors. Nevertheless, pregnant women, people suffering from ulcers and hernias, and others who have had abdominal surgery should avoid performing these exercises. Consulting your doctor in such cases is the best option. It’s always recommended to consult a Yoga therapist for specific asanas and routines.

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