How to cure Gastritis permanently
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How to cure Gastritis permanently

Updated: Feb 16

gastritis treatment
H. pylori infection is common cause of Gastritis

Gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining, can be an uncomfortable and painful condition to live with. The good news is that there are viable treatments to mitigate the symptoms and even cure it permanently. In this article, we will explore different gastritis treatments, understand its causes and symptoms, and reveal how to bid farewell to this troubling condition once and for all.

Meaning of gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of the lining of the stomach, which can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and indigestion.- Dr Anirban Biswas

Gastritis icd 10: The ICD-10 code for gastritis is K29.

Types of Gastritis:

A. Acute Gastritis: This form of gastritis occurs suddenly and is often caused by irritants like excessive alcohol intake, certain medications, or infections. Symptoms may resolve with treatment or dietary changes.

B. Chronic Gastritis: Chronic gastritis develops over time and can last for years. It may be associated with long-term inflammation due to various factors like H. pylori infection, autoimmune diseases, or repeated use of certain medications.

C. Erosive Gastritis: In this type, the stomach lining erodes, leading to open sores or ulcers. It's often caused by long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol abuse, or severe stress.

D. Non-Erosive Gastritis: Non-erosive gastritis involves inflammation of the stomach lining without visible erosion or ulcers. It's commonly associated with H. pylori infection and can be either acute or chronic.

What causes Gastritis?

There are many Causes of Gastritis which leads to acute or chronic gastritis. Some of the common gastris causes are:

  • H. pylori infection: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacterium that can infect the stomach lining, causing inflammation. It's a leading cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption:Excessive alcohol intake can irritate the stomach lining, leading to acute or chronic gastritis. It can also increase the risk of erosive gastritis.

  • Medications: Long-term use of NSAIDs like aspirin and ibuprofen or corticosteroids can irritate the stomach lining, contributing to gastritis. Certain prescription drugs can also be a factor.

  • Smoking.

  • Stress: Chronic stress can lead to increased stomach acid production.

  • Autoimmune disorders: Conditions like pernicious anemia and autoimmune gastritis involve the immune system mistakenly attacking the stomach lining, causing chronic inflammation.

  • Bile reflux.

  • Certain infections, such as tuberculosis or syphilis.

Symptoms of Gastritis:

gastritis symptoms
Symptoms of Gastritis

Some of the common gastritis symptoms are :

  • Abdominal pain or discomfort: Gastritis often presents with a dull, gnawing ache in the upper abdomen.

  • Nausea and vomiting: Nausea and vomiting, especially after meals, can be symptoms of gastritis.

  • Bloating: Abdominal bloating and a sense of abdominal pressure may occur.

  • Loss of appetite: Gastritis can lead to a reduced desire to eat due to discomfort.

  • Black, tarry stool: Severe gastritis can lead to bleeding in the stomach lining, which can result in the presence of blood in stool .

  • Indigestion: Feeling full during or after meals.

  • Stomach ulcers.

  • Vomiting blood

Diagnostic Tests:

A. Endoscopy: A gastroscopy involves inserting a thin, flexible tube with a camera (endoscope) into the stomach to visually inspect the lining and obtain biopsies if necessary.

B. Biopsy: During endoscopy, a tissue sample (biopsy) can be taken to check for H. pylori infection or other underlying conditions.

C. Blood Tests: Blood tests can detect the presence of H. pylori antibodies or assess levels of specific blood cells, such as red blood cells, which might be affected by gastritis.

D. Stool Tests: Stool tests can identify blood in the stool, a potential sign of gastritis-related bleeding.

E. Imaging Tests: In some cases, imaging tests like X-rays or CT scans may be used to examine the stomach lining and surrounding structures.

Treatment of Gastritis:

A. Medications: Various pharmaceutical options are available to alleviate gastritis symptoms and promote healing of the stomach lining. However, these medications may only provide temporary relief and do not offer a permanent solution.

  • Acid blockers (histamine (H-2) blockers) to reduce the amount of acid released into the digestive tract, which relieves gastritis pain and encourages healing.

  • Antibiotics to eradicate H. pylori infection.

  • Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to reduce stomach acid production.

  • Antacids: Alleviate symptoms by neutralizing stomach acid.

  • Cytoprotective Agents: Help protect the stomach lining like sucralfate

B. Lifestyle Changes:

  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption.

  • Limiting or avoiding NSAID use.

  • Quitting smoking.

  • Managing stress.

  • Practicing good hygiene to prevent H. pylori infection.

C. Home Remedies: Many individuals find relief in natural remedies for gastritis. These remedies can aid in reducing inflammation and supporting stomach health.These may include :

  • Anti-inflammatory diet and adding anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric to their meals.

  • Incorporating ginger or Garlic extract.

  • Consuming aloe vera juice.

  • Probiotics.

  • Green tea with manuka honey or chamomile tea.

  • Warm water.

D. Treating Underlying Causes: Identifying and treating the underlying cause of your gastritis is vital in finding a permanent solution. If Helicobacter pylori infection is the cause, a course of antibiotics along with acid-reducing medications may be prescribed. Similarly, if excessive NSAID usage is the culprit, finding alternative pain management methods can help heal the stomach lining.

E. Surgical Intervention: In severe cases or if complications arise, surgery may be necessary to remove damaged tissue or treat bleeding ulcers.

It's important to note that the treatment of gastritis depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition, and it's always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.

Prevention of Gastritis:

A. Dietary Changes: Adhering to a gastritis-friendly diet is crucial for long-term relief. Avoiding irritating foods and beverages such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, fatty foods, and carbonated drinks can greatly reduce gastritis symptoms. Opt for nutrient-rich, easy-to-digest foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains instead.

Diet for Gastritis:

A gastritis diet includes food items that can provide long-term relief to symptoms of gastritis. Some of the recommended gastritis foods are:

  • High-fiber additions such as apples, celery, berries, carrots, and beans.

  • Low-fat meat items including fish, chicken, and turkey breast.

  • Vegetables that are low in acidity and other probiotics including kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

  • Fresh fruits, herbs/spices, and veggies that are especially beneficial for gastritis include onions, garlic, squash, bell peppers, leafy greens, artichoke, asparagus, celery, fennel, sea vegetables, ginger, turmeric, cruciferous veggies, berries, apples, and cranberries.

  • Anti-inflammatory foods such as leafy green vegetables, oily fish, nuts, and whole grains.

  • High fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans.

  • Low-fat foods such as fish, lean meats, and vegetables.

Foods that should be avoided in gastritis include:

  • Acidic food including tomatoes and pickles

  • Spicy, fried, fatty, and processed foods, including fast foods.

  • Frozen foods, and processed meats.

  • Full-fat dairy , especially tea or coffee with milk

B. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine: Moderation is key when it comes to alcohol and caffeine consumption to prevent irritation.

C. Manage Stress: Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help.

D. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can increase stomach acid production and worsen gastritis symptoms.

E. H. pylori Prevention: Practicing good hygiene and avoiding contaminated food and water sources can reduce the risk of H. pylori infection.

The Roadmap to Permanent Remission:

While it may take time and effort to cure gastritis permanently, adopting a holistic approach can significantly improve your chances of success. Combining proper medication under medical supervision, adhering to a gastritis-friendly diet, incorporating natural remedies, managing stress levels, and treating the underlying causes are key steps to achieve long-term remission.

Dispelling Gastritis Myths:

It is essential to dispel the myth that gastritis can kill you. While gastritis can cause severe discomfort, it is rarely life-threatening. However, chronic gastritis left untreated for an extended period can lead to complications and increase the risk of developing ulcers, stomach bleeding, or even stomach cancer. Seeking proper medical care and adhering to a treatment plan can prevent such complications.


Gastritis may seem like an unwelcome guest that overstays its welcome, but with determination and the right treatment approach, you can conquer it permanently. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and following a comprehensive treatment plan comprising medication, dietary changes, natural remedies, and addressing underlying causes, you can bid farewell to gastritis and live a life free from its woes. Remember, patience and consistency are the keys to attaining long-lasting relief.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Gastritis:

1. What is gastritis?

  • Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining, which can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, and indigestion.

2. What causes gastritis?

  • Gastritis can be caused by various factors, including H. pylori infection, chronic alcohol consumption, certain medications, stress, and autoimmune diseases.

3. What are the common symptoms of gastritis?

  • Common symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, loss of appetite, bloating, and occasionally, blood in stool or vomit.

4. How is gastritis diagnosed?

  • Diagnosis involves medical evaluation, possibly including endoscopy, biopsies, blood tests, stool tests, and imaging studies.

5. Is milk good for gastritis?

  • Milk can provide temporary relief by neutralizing stomach acid but may not be suitable for everyone. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized dietary advice.

6. What are the treatment options for gastritis?

  • Treatment may include medications (antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors, antacids), dietary and lifestyle changes, and, in severe cases, surgery.

7. Can stress cause gastritis?

  • While stress alone doesn't directly cause gastritis, chronic stress can exacerbate existing symptoms by increasing stomach acid production.

8. How can gastritis be prevented?

  • Prevention strategies include maintaining a healthy diet, limiting alcohol and caffeine, managing stress, avoiding smoking, and practicing good hygiene to prevent H. pylori infection.

9. Is gastritis a chronic condition?

  • Gastritis can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), depending on the underlying cause and how it is managed.

10. When should I see a doctor about gastritis?

  • If you experience persistent or severe symptoms of gastritis, such as recurrent abdominal pain, vomiting blood, or black, tarry stools, it's essential to seek medical attention promptly.If you suspect you have gastritis or are experiencing persistent digestive symptoms, consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

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